Awards, Results & Photos
Great awards* in the following divisions:
14 & Under, 15-17, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, & 90+
Clydesdale Open (0-39) & Masters (40+) 190-210lbs., 211-225lbs., 226lbs.+
Filly 140lbs.+ (0-39) & Masters (40+)
Award to 1st person in each division plus overall female & male winners.
Women's and Men's Race Winners will receive a Marathon Sports $150.00 Gift Card
*All awards will be mailed within 30 days
All finishers will receive a bottle opener medal with ribbon.
Runners will also receive a cool colorful T-shirt.
Santa Claus & His Elves
Cash Prize Challenge
First 3 Men to cross finish line in a full dress Santa Claus costume will win:
1st place - $300.00
2nd place - $200.00
3rd place - $100.00
First 3 Women to cross finish line in a full dress Elf costume will win:
1st place - $300.00
2nd place - $200.00
3rd place - $100.00
All winners have to be in a full dress costume to win - sneakers allowed in place of boots. There will be no exceptions regarding this. No Ties.